Labeling Tropical Fisheries: opportunities & challenges for third party sustainability certification
Photo: Annie Guttridge
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New 2023 paper published by Andrew Chin on how marine parks do (or do not) save sharks.
Click HERE for link to the journal paper
Aug 2022: Dr. Michael Grant talks about threats to Sawfish and their conservation on ABC radio
Listen on ABC radio HERE
What we're up to
Ongoing in 2023: Michael Grant is in Kalimantan and Sulawesi on the e Save Our Seas funded river shark project.
July 2023: we welcome Aliah Banchik and Wei Xuan Tan to the lab. Aliah will be working on shovelnose stingrays while Wei Xuan will be examining the fish maw trade in Singapore
July 2023: the draft management plans for three marine areas in the Seychelles have gone to open public consultation.
July 2023: Mina Hatayama handed in her honors thesis exploring how climate change may affect two species of sharks
June 2023: Mina Hatayama handed in her honors thesis exploring how climate change may affect two species of sharks
Check out our latest publications - click HERE
Oct 2020: Michael Grant talks about sawfish conservation in PNG for International Sawfish Day
All Videos
March 2022: Dr. Andrew Chin talks about shark research, life in science, and bridging the gap between shark science and management on the Beyond Jaws podcast. Listen HERE
Lab Seminars
Click HERE to find information and recordings of previous seminars hosted by the F&F Lab as part of the CSTFA Seminar Series