Fisheries courses @
James Cook University
MB5610 - Fishing Gear and Technology
This subject will provide students an understanding of how fisheries operate and how fish reach human communities. It will involve hands on experience with fishing gears and an understanding of fishing technologies used by small scale subsistence and recreational fishers through to global industrial practices.
Learning Outcomes
critically evaluate the effect of fishing gear on target and non-target organisms and ecosystems via data analysis, literature reviews and written reports;
describe the complex supply chain of fisheries and methods that can be used to monitor and track products through it, via written and verbal communications;
demonstrate familiarity with spectrum of fishing gear design, development, and deployment via practical use and selection of gear in a field setting and via written evaluations.
Shin Arunrugstichai
MB5620 - Grand challenges in fisheries
This subject evaluates the grand challenges in fisheries science and management, with an emphasis on tropical fisheries and societies. Issues such as food security, resource sharing, environmental effects of fishing, fishery induced selection, and many others will be considered. Students will attend regular seminars from leading researchers, managers and industry agents speaking on current fisheries issues. Students will then discuss the context, results and impact of issues presented in follow up workshops. The subject develops students' perspectives on global and small-scale fisheries topics, promoting a multi discipline approach and evaluation of stakeholder's needs and potential solutions.
Learning Outcomes
critically evaluate past and current research results and management decisions and their impact in fisheries;
demonstrate a multidisciplinary awareness of current issues in fisheries science and management;
identify future research and management needs for a range of fisheries via written reports
MB3014/5014 - Managing tropical fisheries
This subject examines the process of managing fisheries in tropical regions to ensure positive outcomes for fish stocks, ecosystems and human communities. The paradigm of fisheries as linked social-ecological systems will be used to develop an understanding about how biology, economics, human communities and legislative factors all contribute to outcomes in fisheries management. Case studies from tropical regions will be examined, including industrial, artisanal and recreational fisheries. Practical skills in achieving positive fisheries management outcomes will be developed.
Learning Outcomes
demonstrate knowledge of the biological, economic, social and legislative basis for managing fisheries;
discuss the range of processes used to manage fisheries in tropical regions;
apply fisheries management theory and methods to analysing real-world fisheries issues;
reflect on your own understanding of biological, social, economic, and legislative dimensions of fisheries, and how these dimensions can be analysed and combined to achieve positive outcomes in fisheries management.
Shin Arunrugstichai