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Favourite papers?

Holland, K. N., Wetherbee, B. M., Peterson, J. D., & Lowe, C. G. (1993). Movements and Distribution of Hammerhead Shark Pups on Their Natal Grounds. Copeia, 1993(2), 495.

McLoughlin, S., Haig, D. W., Siversson, M., & Einarsson, E. (2018). Did mangrove communities exist in the Late Cretaceous of the Kristianstad Basin, Sweden?. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 498, 99-114.


Papastamatiou, Y. P., Friedlander, A. M., Caselle, J. E., & Lowe, C. G. (2010). Long-term movement patterns and trophic ecology of blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) at Palmyra Atoll. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 386(1-2), 94-102.

See Shiori's research profile and publications on research gate

Shiori Kanno

PhD Student | James Cook University
BEd & Geology | Tokyo Gakugei University
MSc | James Cook University

Shiori was studying marine biology and ecology at JCU for her master’s degree and conducting a minor research project on fine-scale habitat use of stingrays within a mangrove-associated intertidal bay using stationary video transects. She is currently undertaking a PhD project that aims to investigate the spatial and trophic ecology of sharks and rays within mangroves and the importance of mangrove ecosystems to elasmobranch populations. Shiori has developed her research skills through field data collection, including fishing, animal handling, blood and muscle tissue sampling, video monitoring, and acoustic telemetry. As she studied science education and geology during her undergraduate, Shiori has great skills in science and educational communication. She has been studying vertebrate palaeontology since her undergraduate course in geology and has fieldwork skills in geological surveys and fossil collection. Shiori is also working on the fossil shark project aiming to reconstruct the Late Cretaceous shark fauna in northern Japan. Shiori's scientific interests are stimulated by exploring how both living and extinct sharks and rays interact with the ecosystem.

Project title: The value and functions of mangroves for sharks and rays


Mangroves are among the most productive systems, occurring along the coastal zones and estuaries across tropical areas. Mangroves are biodiversity hotspots and a variety of organisms utilise mangrove habitats. However, how sharks and rays are using mangroves has rarely been studied. Shiori’s project investigates spatial and feeding ecology of elasmobranchs within mangrove systems using acoustic telemetry, video monitoring and stomach content/stable isotope analyse. Given the declining status of global mangroves, knowledge is urgently required to predict how mangrove loss is affecting their populations.

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