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Favourite papers?

Dudgeon, D., & Smith, R. E. W. (2006). Exotic species, fisheries and conservation of freshwater biodiversity in tropical Asia: the case of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 16(2), 203–215.

Grant, M. I., White, W. T., Amepou, Y., Baje, L., Diedrich, A., Ibana, D., ... & Chin, A. (2021). Local knowledge surveys with small-scale fishers indicate challenges to sawfish conservation in southern Papua New Guinea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31(10), 2883–2900.

Darcy Roeger

Honours student
BSc - Env. Prac. | James Cook University

Darcy was an Honours candidate at the Fish and Fisheries Lab with a Bachelor of Environmental Science. From a coastal childhood in far northern Australia to field work in Papua New Guinea, his appetite for adventure and interest in cultures continues to motivate his research in sustainable fisheries, human livelihoods, invasive species, and ecology.

He is currently working on a collaborative study with fishers in Queensland and New Zealand, systematically documenting their perceptions and attitudes toward Electronic Monitoring on commercial vessels. This research will provide valuable industry insights which will help to inform management decisions into the future. 

Favourite species?
Papuan black bass (Lutjanus goldiei)

Photo: Yolarnie Amepou

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