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The Big Picture - our work & the tropics

The ocean is a big place that connects many shores, nations, and people. And the fish in the ocean are likewise connected across boundaries, touching the lives and livelihoods of many people. To move toward our Lab's vision, we need to understand how our work, our projects, our people, and our outcomes align with 'The Big Picture'.   

Espirituo Santo, Vanuatu

Life in the Tropics
The UN Decade of Ocean Science

This subject evaluates the grand challenges in fisheries science and management, with an emphasis on tropical fisheries and societies. Issues such as food security, resource sharing, environmental effects of fishing, fishery induced selection, and many others will be considered. Students will attend regular seminars from leading researchers, managers and industry agents speaking on current fisheries issues. Students will then discuss the context, results and impact of issues presented in follow up workshops. The subject develops students' perspectives on global and small-scale fisheries topics, promoting a multi discipline approach and evaluation of stakeholder's needs and potential solutions.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 14

This subject evaluates the grand challenges in fisheries science and management, with an emphasis on tropical fisheries and societies. Issues such as food security, resource sharing, environmental effects of fishing, fishery induced selection, and many others will be considered. Students will attend regular seminars from leading researchers, managers and industry agents speaking on current fisheries issues. Students will then discuss the context, results and impact of issues presented in follow up workshops. The subject develops students' perspectives on global and small-scale fisheries topics, promoting a multi discipline approach and evaluation of stakeholder's needs and potential solutions.

Pacific - a new song for small scale fisheries

This subject evaluates the grand challenges in fisheries science and management, with an emphasis on tropical fisheries and societies. Issues such as food security, resource sharing, environmental effects of fishing, fishery induced selection, and many others will be considered. Students will attend regular seminars from leading researchers, managers and industry agents speaking on current fisheries issues. Students will then discuss the context, results and impact of issues presented in follow up workshops. The subject develops students' perspectives on global and small-scale fisheries topics, promoting a multi discipline approach and evaluation of stakeholder's needs and potential solutions.

NMSC 2019 - postgrad training blue econo
Australia - Improving Australia's marine science postgraduate training system to meet the needs of the 'blue economy'.

This subject evaluates the grand challenges in fisheries science and management, with an emphasis on tropical fisheries and societies. Issues such as food security, resource sharing, environmental effects of fishing, fishery induced selection, and many others will be considered. Students will attend regular seminars from leading researchers, managers and industry agents speaking on current fisheries issues. Students will then discuss the context, results and impact of issues presented in follow up workshops. The subject develops students' perspectives on global and small-scale fisheries topics, promoting a multi discipline approach and evaluation of stakeholder's needs and potential solutions.

Queensland - the Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 

Shin Arunrugstichai

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